- Ping 3574
- Apple 546
- IPhone 457
- IPad 432
- Mac 336
- Script 297
- IOS 228
- Microsoft 187
- Watch 141
- Windows 132
- Android 125
- Jobs 119
- Google 117
- Pro 114
- MacOS 105
- Gruber 100
- BBEdit 96
- OSX 89
- MacBook 83
- Ai 77
- Intelligenza Artificiale 75
- M1 75
- Swift 72
- Samsung 69
- Terminale 62
- WWDC 60
- Cook 58
- MacStories 53
- Safari 53
- John Gruber 52
- ICloud 50
- Amazon 47
- Daring Fireball 43
- Pages 41
- Unix 41
- Viticci 41
- Intel 40
- AppleScript 39
- Drang 39
- Office 38
- ARM 37
- Keynote 37
- Ars Technica 36
- IPadOS 36
- Linux 36
- Shortcuts 36
- Dediu 35
- Emacs 35
- Facebook 35
- Lisp 35
- Markdown 35
- Steve Jobs 35
- Surface 35
- Asymco 34
- ChatGPT 34
- LibreOffice 34
- Apple Watch 32
- ITunes 32
- Lidia 32
- Word 31
- Adobe 29
- IMac 29
- Apple Silicon 28
- Comandi Rapidi 28
- Macintosh 28
- Scuola 28
- Twitter 28
- WordPress 28
- App 27
- Privacy 27
- Siri 27
- Wi-Fi 27
- Nokia 26
- AirPods 25
- Chrome 25
- IBM 25
- LaTeX 25
- Natale 25
- Venerandi 25
- Dr. Drang 24
- Hofstadter 24
- Html 24
- Strozzi 24
- Filippo Strozzi 23
- LibreItalia 23
- Vision Pro 23
- Github 22
- IPad Pro 22
- JavaScript 22
- Mac Mini 22
- Python 22
- Tv 22
- Cina 21
- Excel 21
- Federico Viticci 21
- IPod 21
- Numbers 21
- Snell 21
- The Verge 21
- A2 20
- Coronavirus 20
- Dropbox 20
- Flash 20
- Galaxy 20
- IWork 20
- MacBook Pro 20
- WatchOS 20
- Xcode 20
- Douglas Hofstadter 19
- Marin 19
- NYT 19
- Roberto Marin 19
- Yosemite 19
- Air 18
- Editorial 18
- Macworld 18
- Mail 18
- Panic 18
- Schiller 18
- Store 18
- TechCrunch 18
- X 18
- YouTube 18
- Aaa 17
- Giochi 17
- Huawei 17
- IOS8 17
- MacRumors 17
- Nive 17
- Note 17
- QuickLoox 17
- Slack 17
- Sony 17
- Covid-19 16
- Daring 16
- Fireball 16
- Mappe 16
- Octopress 16
- Pencil 16
- Reddit 16
- Stefano 16
- Tim Cook 16
- 9to5Mac 15
- Amd 15
- Backblaze 15
- Design 15
- Edge 15
- Ive 15
- Newton 15
- Touch 15
- Attivissimo 14
- Big Sur 14
- Bloomberg 14
- Freeciv 14
- Homebrew 14
- IPhone6 14
- Photoshop 14
- Six Colors 14
- Wired 14
- Anteprima 13
- Bing 13
- Finder 13
- Go 13
- Keyboard 13
- Kickstarter 13
- MacBook Air 13
- Pixelmator 13
- Playgrounds 13
- Roll20 13
- Scripting 13
- Slashdot 13
- Ventura 13
- AllAboutApple 12
- Angband 12
- App Store 12
- AppleTV 12
- Automator 12
- Catalina 12
- Cloud 12
- Colors 12
- Copernicani 12
- Css 12
- Ebook 12
- Evans 12
- GarageBand 12
- Jason Snell 12
- Machine 12
- Mori 12
- Prompt 12
- Workflow 12
- Apple Pencil 11
- ArsTechnica 11
- Bluetooth 11
- D&D 11
- Dell 11
- Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies 11
- Htc 11
- IA 11
- IFixIt 11
- M2 11
- Magic 11
- Mavericks 11
- Mimmo 11
- Misterakko 11
- Myst 11
- Pixel 11
- Rai 11
- Regex 11
- Savona 11
- Six 11
- Stage Manager 11
- Swift Playgrounds 11
- Trackpad 11
- TvOS 11
- Wesnoth 11
- Pay 11
- Apple Intelligence 10
- Big 10
- Birchtree 10
- BlackBerry 10
- Concetti Fluidi E Analogie Creative 10
- Face 10
- Font 10
- FreeBSD 10
- ID 10
- Immuni 10
- IMore 10
- Internet 10
- Lenovo 10
- LG 10
- MacBookPro 10
- NeXT 10
- OpenAI 10
- Park 10
- Pixel Envy 10
- PowerPoint 10
- Programmazione 10
- Sierra 10
- SSD 10
- Steam 10
- Sur 10
- Terpstra 10
- TV+ 10
- WoW 10
- Xerox 10
- Accomazzi 9
- AnandTech 9
- Apfs 9
- Atom 9
- Browser 9
- CarPlay 9
- Dashboard 9
- Doom 9
- Drafts 9
- EPub 9
- FaceTime 9
- Federighi 9
- Fëarandil 9
- Gartner 9
- Gassée 9
- Gates 9
- Gizmodo 9
- IBooks 9
- IMovie 9
- InDesign 9
- Learning 9
- Lisa 9
- MacDailyNews 9
- Matt Birchler 9
- Mini 9
- News 9
- Nfl 9
- Pandoc 9
- Pasqua 9
- Podcast 9
- ResearchKit 9
- Silicon 9
- Siracusa 9
- Ssh 9
- Stanford 9
- Teams 9
- Tesler 9
- Textastic 9
- Thompson 9
- Verge 9
- VirtualBox 9
- Watch 9
- WhatsApp 9
- 512 Pixels 8
- Arment 8
- Ars 8
- Ballmer 8
- Bar 8
- Batteria 8
- Bbc 8
- Chollet 8
- Colombini 8
- Comma 8
- Corriere 8
- Csam 8
- Curricolo 8
- Dock 8
- Edoardo Volpi Kellermann 8
- Explorer 8
- Flavio 8
- Forbes 8
- François Chollet 8
- FreeForm 8
- Hearthstone 8
- Hp 8
- Html5 8
- HyperCard 8
- Idc 8
- IMessage 8
- Java 8
- John D. Cook 8
- Knuth 8
- M1 Max 8
- Mac OS X 8
- MacBookAir 8
- Mario 8
- Mastodon 8
- Matteo 8
- Mojave 8
- Monterey 8
- Nasa 8
- Nick Heer 8
- Objective-C 8
- Parc 8
- Pdf 8
- R 8
- Raspberry 8
- Riccardo 8
- Roguelike 8
- Sasha 8
- Sinofsky 8
- Sonoma 8
- Spiderweb 8
- The Eclectic Light Company 8
- TidBits 8
- Time 8
- USB 8
- USB-C 8
- Widget 8
- X86 8
- Xiaomi 8
- Zork 8
- 6s 7
- Advent of Code 7
- Akko 7
- Apple Arcade 7
- Apple II 7
- Apple TV 7
- Asahi Linux 7
- Backup 7
- Bash 7
- Bill Gates 7
- Blender 7
- Chromebook 7
- CoC 7
- Coleslaw 7
- DuckDuckGo 7
- FileMaker 7
- Ford 7
- Fortnite 7
- Fortune 7
- Foto 7
- Geekbench 7
- Git 7
- Guardian 7
- Halide 7
- HomePod 7
- IPhone6Plus 7
- Italia 7
- Jailbreak 7
- LLM 7
- Luca Accomazzi 7
- Mann 7
- Maps 7
- Medium 7
- Motorola 7
- Nadella 7
- Netflix 7
- NetHack 7
- New York Times 7
- OBS Studio 7
- Open Source 7
- Opensource 7
- Pi 7
- Playdate 7
- Playground 7
- Polytopia 7
- PowerBook 7
- Re 7
- Runestone 7
- Sky 7
- Skype 7
- Soghoian 7
- Super Bowl 7
- Tesla 7
- TeX 7
- Times 7
- Tipografia 7
- VLC 7
- Vpn 7
- Web 7
- WebKit 7
- Wind 7
- Zoom 7
- 3D 6
- Acer 6
- Altroconsumo 6
- AppleInsider 6
- ApplePay 6
- Automation April 6
- Bach 6
- Basic 6
- Birchler 6
- Briand06 6
- Brogue 6
- Clarke 6
- Clash 6
- Coding 6
- Continuity 6
- Cuoredimela 6
- Dad 6
- Delta 6
- Dilger 6
- Education 6
- Einstein 6
- ElCapitan 6
- Epic 6
- Etherpad 6
- EU 6
- Exchange 6
- Fabio 6
- Flickr 6
- Freesmug 6
- Gimp 6
- Goodreader 6
- Gurman 6
- Heer 6
- Hewlett-Packard 6
- IKEA 6
- India 6
- Internet Explorer 6
- IOS 16 6
- IOS 18 6
- IPadAir2 6
- IPhone5 6
- Irc 6
- John Siracusa 6
- Jonathan Ive 6
- Journal 6
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- Lightning 6
- Logic 6
- Lumia 6
- Mac Studio 6
- Maggi 6
- MCDonald’s 6
- Melabit 6
- Messaggi 6
- Meta 6
- Milano 6
- MIT 6
- MMN 6
- Mouse 6
- Muut 6
- Netbook 6
- Nintendo 6
- OBS 6
- Palm 6
- Perl 6
- Plus 6
- PowerPC 6
- Russia 6
- San Francisco 6
- Sequoia 6
- Shell 6
- Sicurezza 6
- Silverlight 6
- Stallman 6
- Steven Sinofsky 6
- Stratechery 6
- Studio 6
- Super 6
- Tailscale 6
- Technica 6
- Tim 6
- Tsai 6
- VisionOS 6
- Warren Buffett 6
- Wikipedia 6
- Winer 6
- Wireless 6
- Wsj 6
- Xml 6
- ZX Spectrum 6
- 50 Years of Text Games 5
- Accessibilità 5
- Acorn 5
- Affinity 5
- AirDrop 5
- All About Apple 5
- AppStore 5
- Asus 5
- Automattic 5
- Automazione 5
- Avalon 5
- Baseball 5
- Batterie 5
- Bendgate 5
- Beta 5
- Bitbucket 5
- Blog 5
- Bowl 5
- Buffett 5
- C++ 5
- Calca 5
- Capitan 5
- Catalyst 5
- Chiefs 5
- Cio 5
- Common Lisp 5
- Creative Cloud 5
- Dazn 5
- Debian 5
- Disney 5
- Doctorow 5
- Drm 5
- Dungeons & Dragons 5
- Duracell 5
- Elio 5
- Escher 5
- Fabrizio Venerandi 5
- FastCompany 5
- Feedly 5
- Firefox 5
- Francisco 5
- Frecciarossa 5
- Gand 5
- Gödel 5
- Hackett 5
- Hdmi 5
- Health 5
- HomeKit 5
- Hugo 5
- IOS 14.5 5
- IPadmini 5
- IPadOS 16 5
- IPhone 14 5
- Isaac Asimov 5
- ISS 5
- Jamf 5
- JEdit 5
- John Cook 5
- John Voorhees 5
- Kansas City Chiefs 5
- KOoLiNuS 5
- La Prima Colonia 5
- Londra 5
- Loop 5
- Machine Learning 5
- Magnetic Media Network 5
- Mailsmith 5
- Menlo 5
- Minecraft 5
- Mobile 5
- Monaco 5
- Mud 5
- NBA 5
- New 5
- Notes 5
- OneDrive 5
- Open 5
- Panzarino 5
- Paoloo 5
- Pascal 5
- Post 5
- Procreate 5
- Pythonista 5
- Qualcomm 5
- Quinta 5
- Re/Code 5
- Retrocomputing 5
- Reuters 5
- Riccardo Mori 5
- Ruby 5
- Runescape 5
- Sabino 5
- San 5
- Scribus 5
- Server 5
- Signal 5
- Smith 5
- Software 5
- Spectrum 5
- Steve Ballmer 5
- Swatch 5
- Tag 5
- Tasse 5
- Telegram 5
- Telnet 5
- TextEdit 5
- Tolkien 5
- Torvalds 5
- Toshiba 5
- Ucraina 5
- Vi 5
- Voorhees 5
- Waterdeep 5
- Williams 5
- WP Engine 5
- Xs 5
- Yahoo 5
- ZDnet 5
- AAC 4
- Adams 4
- Adventure 4
- Agenzia Delle Entrate 4
- Alfred 4
- Andy 4
- Antennagate 4
- Apogeo 4
- Apogeonline 4
- Apollo 4
- Apple Frames 4
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- Apple Watch Ultra 4
- Arial 4
- Arthur Clarke 4
- Asahi 4
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- Avvento 4
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- Azioni 4
- Bancomat 4
- Berkshire Hathaway 4
- Bit 4
- Bitcoin 4
- Blu-Ray 4
- Books 4
- Burocrazia 4
- Byte 4
- Cabel Sasser 4
- Calcolatrice 4
- Chromium 4
- Cifratura 4
- Clans 4
- Coda 4
- Codemotion 4
- Covid 4
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- Cupertino 4
- Cyan 4
- Dalrymple 4
- Dan Moren 4
- DMA 4
- Drive 4
- Eco 4
- Email 4
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- Espinosa 4
- Europa 4
- Ferragosto 4
- Filippo 4
- Focus 4
- GateKeeper 4
- Gemini 4
- Gmail 4
- Gnu 4
- Grep 4
- Handoff 4
- HealthKit 4
- Helvetica 4
- Hertzfeld 4
- Hey 4
- High 4
- Horace Dediu 4
- I7 4
- Innovazione 4
- Instagram 4
- Internet Archive 4
- IOS12 4
- IOS9 4
- IoT 4
- IPadAir 4
- Jekyll 4
- Julia Evans 4
- Las Vegas 4
- Lewis Carroll 4
- LinkedIn 4
- Linode 4
- Linus Torvalds 4
- Locusta 4
- Lorescuba 4
- Lovejoy 4
- Luna 4
- Lux 4
- M4 4
- MacBook Air M2 4
- Macintelligence 4
- Macity 4
- Macmomo 4
- MacSparky 4
- Magic Keyboard 4
- Malware 4
- Mark Gurman 4
- Martin 4
- Matias 4
- Meet 4
- MessagePad 4
- Metal 4
- Michael Tsai 4
- MLB 4
- Monday 4
- Moren 4
- Morrick 4
- Mossberg 4
- Mp3 4
- MSN 4
- Multitasking 4
- Musk 4
- Must 4
- Nano 4
- NetNewsWire 4
- Network 4
- NextStep 4
- Nginx 4
- NTP 4
- Nvidia 4
- OpenOffice 4
- Oracle 4
- O’Reilly 4
- Paolo Attivissimo 4
- Parallels 4
- Patriots 4
- Philip Elmer-DeWitt 4
- Phishing 4
- Pixelmator Pro 4
- Play 4
- Pokémon 4
- PostScript 4
- Psion 4
- Quake 4
- Quartz 4
- Quora 4
- Raiplay 4
- Raspberry Pi 4
- Red Hat 4
- Roberto 4
- Rogue Amoeba 4
- Roma 4
- Rpg 4
- Rss 4
- Rsync 4
- S3 4
- S8 4
- Sabino Maggi 4
- Sasser 4
- Scrivere 4
- Searle 4
- Severance 4
- Smart 4
- SnowLeopard 4
- Source 4
- Sourceforge 4
- Speirs 4
- Spid 4
- Spotlight 4
- Super Mario 4
- Taiwan 4
- Taocp 4
- Tastiera 4
- Tencent 4
- The Montecristo Project 4
- Time Machine 4
- Tom’s Hardware 4
- Trenord 4
- Troughton-Smith 4
- Trump 4
- Tuaw 4
- TV 4
- U2 4
- UE 4
- Unicode 4
- UTC 4
- Utility ColorSync 4
- Utility Disco 4
- UX 4
- Vienna 4
- Villani 4
- Vim 4
- Vodafone 4
- VoiceOver 4
- WordStar 4
- World of Warcraft 4
- XP 4
- XScreensaver 4
- York 4
- Zero 4
- Arcade 4
- 10.3 3
- 2001 3
- 49ers 3
- 5S 3
- 5x1000 3
- 64 3
- About 3
- AirPort 3
- AirTable 3
- AirTag 3
- Alitalia 3
- All 3
- Allen 3
- Alphonso 3
- Altman 3
- Aperture 3
- Apple IIgs 3
- Apple Music 3
- Apple Park 3
- Apple Pay 3
- Apple TV+ 3
- AppleWorld.Today 3
- Aprile 3
- Aqua 3
- AR 3
- Arc 3
- Arcade 3
- Arduino 3
- Artificial Intelligence 3
- Audacity 3
- Austin 3
- Austin Mann 3
- Avadon 3
- Avitzur 3
- Avvocati E Mac 3
- AWS 3
- Axios 3
- Beats 3
- Benanti 3
- Biden 3
- Blue 3
- BlueStacks 3
- Book 3
- Boston 3
- Brett Terpstra 3
- Broadband 3
- Budget.g0v.it 3
- Bug 3
- Bungie 3
- BusinessInsider 3
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- Calendario 3
- Canon 3
- Canva 3
- Capps 3
- Carbon 3
- Carroll 3
- Cat 3
- CBS 3
- Ces 3
- Christoffel 3
- ClarisWorks 3
- Classic 3
- Cnbc 3
- CNET 3
- Cnn 3
- Cocoa 3
- Colligan 3
- Colossal 3
- Comandi 3
- Computerworld 3
- Core 3
- Cory Doctorow 3
- Courier 3
- CSV 3
- DaringFireball 3
- Darwin 3
- David Mills 3
- DaVinci Resolve 3
- Disco 3
- Diskutil 3
- Docs 3
- Donald Knuth 3
- Ecg 3
- Eclectic Light Company 3
- Editoria 3
- El 3
- Eliza 3
- Elmer-DeWitt 3
- Engst 3
- Erix 3
- Eugenio 3
- Eva Giovannini 3
- Evk 3
- Expo 3
- FastWeb 3
- Fbi 3
- Fcpx 3
- FiveThirtyEight 3
- FMGuru 3
- Football 3
- Foucault 3
- Foundation 3
- Fox 3
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- Franco Battiato 3
- Friday Night Baseball 3
- Frix01 3
- Froese 3
- FSF 3
- Gaber 3
- Gary Marcus 3
- Germania 3
- Giappone 3
- Giovannini 3
- Giulio Villani 3
- Glacier 3
- Gpg 3
- GPT-3 3
- Gpu 3
- Grab 3
- Hackintosh 3
- Handbrake 3
- Happy 3
- Harvard 3
- Hockenberry 3
- HT 3
- IBook 3
- IFComp 3
- II 3
- Illustrator 3
- ImageMagick 3
- Impostazioni 3
- Inc 3
- INethack2 3
- Infocom 3
- Interfacce 3
- Internet Relay Chat 3
- Invalsi 3
- IOS7 3
- IPhone 13 3
- IPhone 13 Pro 3
- IPhone 15 Pro 3
- IPhone 16 3
- IPhone 16 Pro 3
- IPhone SE 3
- IPod Touch 3
- Italo Vignoli 3
- ITProPortal 3
- ITunesU 3
- Jack 3
- Jean-Louis Gassée 3
- John Sculley 3
- John Searle 3
- Kansas City 3
- Kerning 3
- Keyboard Maestro 3
- Kontra 3
- Larry Tesler 3
- LaserWriter 3
- LeCun 3
- Lego 3
- Ligthning 3
- Logo 3
- Lollipop 3
- Lotus 3
- M1 Pro 3
- M3 3
- Mac Pro 3
- MacOS Ventura 3
- MacPro 3
- MacTeX 3
- Maelstrom 3
- MagicTrackpad 3
- Mailchimp 3
- MailMaster 3
- Malpensa 3
- Mame 3
- MArCh 3
- Marco 3
- Marcus 3
- Mathematica 3
- Matt Mullenweg 3
- Mdj 3
- Media 3
- MediaTemple 3
- Metaverso 3
- Michelangelo 3
- Mills 3
- Miro 3
- MobileMe 3
- Moorhead 3
- Morgoth 3
- Moruzzi 3
- Mozilla 3
- Mullenweg 3
- Munster 3
- Muse 3
- Musica 3
- Myst Mobile 3
- Nelson 3
- Neonecronomicon 3
- New Yorker 3
- Nfc 3
- Norman 3
- Notability 3
- Nsa 3
- Ntfs 3
- Nypd 3
- Obama 3
- Obsidian 3
- Ocsp 3
- Olanda 3
- Oled 3
- Olivetti 3
- Open Broadcaster Software 3
- OpenBSD 3
- Outlook 3
- PageMaker 3
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- Paolo 3
- Paolo Benanti 3
- Password 3
- Patrick Mahomes 3
- Paypal 3
- PCalc 3
- Penflip 3
- Pgp 3
- Php 3
- Ping! 3
- Plugin 3
- Portland 3
- Poste 3
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- Preview 3
- Prime 3
- Quicksilver 3
- Quintarelli 3
- Ram 3
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- RealMyst 3
- Red 3
- Regno Unito 3
- Remote Working 3
- Rihanna 3
- Rossi 3
- Rtf 3
- S5 3
- S6 3
- Sabbione 3
- Sam Altman 3
- Sanremo 3
- Sap 3
- Scandolin 3
- Scribe 3
- Scrivener 3
- Seagate 3
- Sensor 3
- Settings 3
- Sftp 3
- Shanghai 3
- SharePlay 3
- Sideri 3
- Sinclair 3
- SIP 3
- Skylake 3
- Slow Horses 3
- Smartphone 3
- Spam 3
- StackOverflow 3
- Stagno 3
- Statcounter 3
- Stazione Spaziale Internazionale 3
- Superfish 3
- Svizzera 3
- SwiftUI 3
- System 3
- Tablet 3
- Tastiere 3
- TechRadar 3
- Tensorflow 3
- Terra2 3
- Tetris 3
- Texas 3
- TextMate 3
- The Guardian 3
- The Information 3
- The Register 3
- Think Different 3
- ThinkPad 3
- Thunderbolt 3
- Tim Berners-Lee 3
- Tiobe 3
- Titanium 3
- Tower 3
- Tubular Bells 3
- Turing 3
- TypeScript 3
- Uber 3
- United 3
- Universal 3
- Universal Control 3
- Unread 3
- Utility 3
- Vaio 3
- Valley 3
- Vasco 3
- Vignoli 3
- Virus 3
- Walmart 3
- Warp 3
- Which 3
- Wiki 3
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- Woodstock 3
- Wozniak 3
- Xbox 3
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- Young 3
- Zorn 3
- Zsh 3
- Zuckerberg 3
- Card 3
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- 2FA 2
- 32 2
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- 5G 2
- 7 2
- A Tangled Tale 2
- A-Shell 2
- A10 2
- A12 2
- A12X 2
- A5 2
- Aapl 2
- Above 2
- Adb 2
- Advent 2
- Advertising 2
- Afb 2
- AGI 2
- Alan Turing 2
- Alaska 2
- Alba a Wildlife Adventure 2
- Alex Guyot 2
- Algebra 2
- Alla Fiera Dell’Est 2
- Alpha 2
- AlphaZero 2
- Alpine 2
- Alto 2
- Amiga 2
- Amsterdam 2
- Analytics 2
- Andreessen 2
- André 2
- Antitrust 2
- Aol 2
- Apocalyptica 2
- AppKit 2
- Apple Desktop Bus 2
- Apple Vision Pro 2
- Apple Watch Series 7 2
- AppleII 2
- AppleSim 2
- AppleWorld 2
- AppleWriter 2
- Armstrong 2
- Arno Gourdol 2
- Ascii 2
- Asimov 2
- AT&T 2
- Atari 2
- Atari 2600 2
- Atkinson 2
- Audio Hijack 2
- Australia 2
- Autenticazione 2
- Authority 2
- Autogrill 2
- Avatar 2
- Avernum 2
- Azure 2
- Back 2
- Badland 2
- Banda 2
- Bard 2
- Bare Bones 2
- Basecamp 2
- Basket 2
- Bell 2
- Bell Labs 2
- Bellroy 2
- Ben Thompson 2
- Bending 2
- Benedict Evans 2
- Bergamo 2
- Betteridge 2
- Bezos 2
- Binary 2
- Blackmagic 2
- Blizzard 2
- Blodget 2
- Board 2
- Boca 2
- Bolt 2
- Bondi 2
- Borsa 2
- Bowie 2
- Brave 2
- Brescia 2
- Brewintosh 2
- British 2
- BrogueCE 2
- Broncos 2
- Bruxelles 2
- Bryant 2
- BSD 2
- Bundle 2
- Business 2
- Business Insider 2
- Butterick 2
- C 2
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- Calendar 2
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- Calvino 2
- Cambridge 2
- Camera 2
- Campanile 2
- Campbell 2
- Campo Minato 2
- Canalys 2
- Cantor 2
- Canvas 2
- Carcassonne 2
- CareKit 2
- Carmack 2
- Castello 2
- Catan 2
- Cave 2
- Center 2
- CERN 2
- Cessapalombo 2
- Chat 2
- Chatbot 2
- Chitika 2
- Chomsky 2
- Chris Espinosa 2
- Christie 2
- Cinebench 2
- CIRP 2
- Claris 2
- Clarus 2
- Claude 2
- Claudio 2
- Clip 2
- Clive Sinclair 2
- Clojure 2
- Clubhouse 2
- Cluedo 2
- Coachella 2
- Cobol 2
- Coca-Cola 2
- Code 2
- CodeAnywhere 2
- ColorSync 2
- Colorsync Utility 2
- Coltan 2
- Columbia 2
- Computer Stories 2
- ConnectED 2
- Consolas 2
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- Consumer Electronics Show 2
- Consumi 2
- Contra Chrome 2
- Conway 2
- Cookie 2
- Copilot 2
- Corea 2
- CorpoNazione 2
- Cortana 2
- Cpu 2
- Craig Federighi 2
- Crespi D’Adda 2
- CrowdStrike 2
- Css3 2
- Cue 2
- Cuore Di Mela 2
- CurrentC 2
- Curriculum 2
- Cyberduck 2
- Cyberpunk 2077 2
- Cybersecurity 2
- Daimler 2
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- Dark Castle 2
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- Denton 2
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- Digitale 2
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- Disneyland 2
- DNS 2
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- Dos 2
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- Dragon 2
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- DwarfFortress 2
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- Eagles 2
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- Fontcase 2
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- Forrester 2
- Forth 2
- Fortran 2
- Francesco 2
- Fraunhofer 2
- FreeHand 2
- Freelancecamp 2
- Freeman 2
- Friedl 2
- Ftc 2
- Ftp 2
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- Game 2
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- Marshmallow 2
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- Marzipan 2
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- Max 2
- McCarthy 2
- McCracken 2
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- SGI 2
- Shazam 2
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- Shortcut 2
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- Simmons 2
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- Sixty Four 2
- Skim 2
- Slate 2
- Slop 2
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- Snowden 2
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- Steve Hackett 2
- Steve Wozniak 2
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- Sun 2
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- The Hobbit 2
- The Mind’s I 2
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- Token 2
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- WindowsPhone 2
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- 0AD 1
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- 10.8 1
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- 15 1
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- 2 1
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- 2010 Odyssey Two 1
- 2015 1
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- 24 1
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- A List Apart 1
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- A9X 1
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- Abrams 1
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- Accessibility 1
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- AfterDark 1
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- Alto’s Odyssey 1
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- Another One Bites the Dust 1
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- Armando Testa 1
- Arnad 1
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- Ars Tedhnica 1
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- Assago 1
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- Atlantic 1
- Atlas Biomed 1
- ATM 1
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- Atrix 1
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- Atzeni 1
- Auburn 1
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- Audio Lab 1
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- AvventuraNelCastello 1
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- Avvocati 1
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- Axel Metz 1
- Axiom 3 1
- Azeroth 1
- B-17 1
- Backdoor 1
- Backend 1
- Bada 1
- Baden-Württemberg 1
- Badland+ 1
- Baio 1
- Bakeka 1
- BaldursGateII 1
- Baldur’s 1
- Baldur’s Gate 1
- Baldur’s Gate 3 1
- Balsillie 1
- Balì 1
- Bandley Drive 1
- Bang & Olufsen 1
- Bapco 1
- Barbara Bowen 1
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- BareBones 1
- Bari 1
- Barr 1
- Barron’s 1
- Bartezzaghi 1
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- BasiliskII 1
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- Battle for Wesnoth 1
- Battleships 1
- Baviera 1
- Bazar 1
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- BBC Micro 1
- BBC Micro Model A 1
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- Bernstein 1
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- Bertrand Serlet 1
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- Bigoncio 1
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- Bill Wyman 1
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- Björk 1
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- Blancco 1
- Blank 1
- Blasco 1
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- Blink 1
- Blocco Note 1
- Block Sort 1
- Blue Scuti 1
- Bluemix 1
- BlueSky 1
- Boardgame 1
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- Boiling Steam 1
- Boinc 1
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- Box 1
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- Branch 1
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- Brasile 1
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- Brazil 1
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- Brecht 1
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- Brian Krzanich 1
- Briand06. MelaBit 1
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- Brøderbund 1
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- Burioni 1
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- Byrne 1
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- Cap’n Magneto 1
- Car 1
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- Card 1
- Cardiogram 1
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- Carlo Canepa 1
- Carnival of Mathematics 1
- Carolina 1
- Carolus 1
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- Case 1
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- CharacterBuilder 1
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- Charlie Watts 1
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- Chesterton 1
- Chiara 1
- Chiara Valerio 1
- Chiavetta 1
- Chicago 1
- Chief Digital Officer 1
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- Chief Technology Officer 1
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- Chin 1
- China Railway Shenyang 1
- Chinese Room 1
- Chinko 1
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- Chm 1
- Chmielewski 1
- Chris Lattner 1
- Chris Welch 1
- Christian Tietze 1
- Christina Warren 1
- Christopher D. Manning 1
- Chromecast 1
- Churchill 1
- Ci Vuole Orecchio 1
- Cibernetica 1
- Cibersicurezza 1
- Cicerone 1
- Cichy 1
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- Clark 1
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- Classsic 1
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- Clegg 1
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- Colleferro 1
- Collegiacone 1
- Collins 1
- Colore 1
- Colossal Cave 1
- Comdex 1
- Come Un Ombrello Su Una Macchina Da Cucire 1
- Comex 1
- Comfortably 1
- Command and Conquer 1
- Commissione Europea 1
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- Commodore64 1
- Common 1
- Common Lisp Cookbook 1
- Communication Safety 1
- Company 1
- Compositor 1
- Computer 1
- Computer History Museum 1
- Comune 1
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- Congo 1
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- Corona 1
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- Cossignani 1
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- Cotton 1
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- Coworking 1
- Cox 1
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- CP/M 1
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- Craig Grannell 1
- Crash 1
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- Cray-1 1
- Crayola Adventures 1
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- CrossOver 1
- Crossword 1
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- Crown 1
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- Cto 1
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- Ctrl-T 1
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- CultOfMac 1
- Cunietti 1
- Cunningham 1
- Cupra Marittima 1
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- Curtis 1
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- Cut 1
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- Cythera 1
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- Dal 1
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- Daniele 1
- Dante 1
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- Darlin 1
- Darsena 1
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- Dave Winer 1
- David Aversa 1
- David Bowie 1
- David Gottesman 1
- David Heinemeier Hansson 1
- David Hockney 1
- David Pierce 1
- David Smith 1
- Daxx 1
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- De 1
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- De Luigi 1
- De Senectute 1
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- Dean Allen 1
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- Desert 1
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- Deviazione 1
- Deviazioni 1
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- Digital Equipment Corporation 1
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- Dillan 1
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- Disk 1
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- Dorsey 1
- Dortmund 1
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- Douglas Engelbart 1
- Downie 1
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- Dragons 1
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- Drepanocitica 1
- Dringend 1
- Dtp 1
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- Dune 2000 1
- Dungeons 1
- Dunnet 1
- Dunst 1
- Duo 1
- Durate 1
- Durov 1
- Dvi 1
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- DX•Mba 1
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- DynamicRubikFree 1
- Dyson 1
- Dædalus 1
- D’Agostino 1
- D’Itri 1
- E-Waste 1
- E3131 1
- EA 1
- Easyjet 1
- Ebdo 1
- Ecamm Live 1
- Ecdl 1
- Eckert 1
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- Eclipses 1
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- Edgenuity 1
- Edimburgo 1
- Edinburgh Learns for Life 1
- Editor 1
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- Eilish 1
- Eix 1
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- Elementor 1
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- Elp 1
- Elsa 1
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- EMacs Rocks 1
- EMarketer 1
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- Emojipedia 1
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- EngageCustomer 1
- Engheim 1
- Ennio Flaiano 1
- Enough 1
- Enrico Colombini 1
- Enrico Frascari 1
- Enrico Negroni 1
- Entertainment 1
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- Enya 1
- Enzo Jannacci 1
- Eolo 1
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- Ep-133 1
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- EpocCam 1
- Epoch 1
- Eppela 1
- Epson 1
- Epstein 1
- Equifax 1
- Erc 1
- Ercolano 1
- Erica Sadun 1
- Ericsson 1
- Erin Casali 1
- Erlich 1
- Erlichman 1
- Errore 1
- Errori 1
- Esp7 1
- Esperienza Utente 1
- Esser 1
- Estager 1
- Estate 1
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- Ethereum 1
- Età 1
- Euclid 1
- Euclide 1
- Euro 2020 1
- Euro 2024 1
- Europei 1
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- Everymac.com 1
- Everyone Can Code 1
- Everyone Can Create 1
- Evo 1
- Evoluzione 1
- EWorld 1
- Exiftools 1
- Exile 1
- Exolabs 1
- Expanded Protection for Children 1
- Expert 1
- Expressions 1
- Ext4 1
- Extended Security Updates 1
- Extensions 1
- Eyepatch Wolf 1
- EZDraw 1
- F24 1
- Faa 1
- Fabio De Luigi 1
- Fabio Massimo Biecher 1
- Faccioli 1
- FacebookTal Golesworthy 1
- Faggin 1
- Fagioli 1
- Fai 1
- Fail 1
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- Falcon 1
- Falcons 1
- Fallon 1
- Fallout 1
- Fallout 4 1
- False 1
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- Fano 1
- Fantastical2 1
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- FAR AI 1
- Far Manager 1
- Farber 1
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- FARGonauts 1
- Fariello 1
- Fast 1
- Fat Bear Week 1
- Fatt 1
- Fattura Elettronica 1
- Fatturato 1
- Fbz 1
- Fcp 1
- Fderico Faggin 1
- Fderico Viticci 1
- Federico 1
- Fedez 1
- Feed 1
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- Feld 1
- Feldman 1
- Ferrara 1
- Ferret 1
- FerretDB 1
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- Fibery 1
- Fibra 1
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- Fiction 1
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- Filippo. Mimmo 1
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- Final Cut Pro 1
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- Find My 1
- Findability 1
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- Fira 1
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- FireChat 1
- FireTail 1
- Fischer 1
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- Flac 1
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- Fleishman 1
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- Flint 1
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- Florida 1
- Florida Atlantic University 1
- Flow 1
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- Flurry 1
- Flurry Analytics 1
- FM 1
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- Fondo Tecnologico Sovrano 1
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- Foot 1
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- Forma 1
- Formati 1
- Fornitori 1
- Forstall 1
- Fortune 500 1
- Forum 1
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- Fotografia Notturna 1
- Foundation Language Models 1
- Fp2017 1
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- Frames 3.0 1
- France 1
- Francesca 1
- Francesco Armando 1
- Francesco Sacco 1
- Frank 1
- Frank Zappa 1
- Frankenstein 1
- Franklin 1
- Frattali 1
- Frederic Filloux 1
- Frediani 1
- Free Software Foundation 1
- Free Software Foundation Europe 1
- Free Upgrade in South Tyrol’s Schools 1
- FreeBuds 1
- Freeciv Go 1
- FreeCode 1
- Freelancer 1
- Freemium 1
- Fremont 1
- Frequency Modulation 1
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- Friday Night 1
- Friden 1
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- Fry 1
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- Fukasawa 1
- Fullo 1
- Funai 1
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- Fuss 1
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- Futuremark 1
- FutureSplash Animator 1
- FutureWave 1
- Fëdor Dostoevskij 1
- G3 1
- Gabe 1
- Gabriele 1
- Gadget 1
- Gagarin 1
- Galactic Compass 1
- Galaxy5Als 1
- Gallaudet 1
- Gallery 1
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- Game Pass 1
- Gamecocks 1
- GameInformer 1
- GamePass 1
- GamesBeat 1
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- Gamut 1
- GaN 1
- Gandalf 1
- Gangnam 1
- Gap 1
- Gap Filling 1
- Garbagnati 1
- Gardner 1
- Garoppolo 1
- Garriott 1
- Gary Kildall 1
- Gate 1
- Gavarini 1
- Gdpr 1
- Ge 1
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- Gene Munster 1
- Geneforge 1 - Mutagen 1
- General Motors 1
- Generative 1
- Genio 1
- Genna 1
- Geoffrey Chaucer 1
- Geoffrey Hinton 1
- George Martin 1
- Gerst 1
- Gheddafi 1
- Ghirardini 1
- Ghost 1
- Giacobazzi 1
- Giacomo Tufano 1
- Gialappa’s 1
- Gianluca 1
- Gianugo Rabellino 1
- Gibson 1
- Gigabit Internet 1
- Gilbert 1
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1
- Gilli 1
- Gilliam 1
- Gimpirea 1
- Giorgio Dell’Arti 1
- Giorgio Gaber 1
- Giorgiospiga 1
- Giornalismo 1
- Giorni Felici 1
- Giovanni Sartori 1
- Giovanni68 1
- Giroscopio 1
- Git2Go 1
- GitBook 1
- GitLab 1
- Giudice 1
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- GKTank 1
- Glance 1
- Glasgow 1
- Glass Hammer 1
- Glassboard 1
- Glaxo-SmithKline 1
- Glazblog 1
- Glendale 1
- Gli Esseri Umani Sognano Macchine 1
- Glicol 1
- Glif 1
- Global Workspace Theory 1
- Globuli 1
- Glonass 1
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- GnuCobol 1
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- Gogue 1
- Goldman 1
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- GPT-4 1
- GPT-4b Micro 1
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- GQ 1
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- Grand 1
- Grande 1
- Grannell 1
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- Greenstone 1
- Greg Christie 1
- Greg Sullivan 1
- Gretzky 1
- Grill 1
- Grossman 1
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- Grounds 1
- Groupby 1
- Groupon 1
- Gshuf 1
- Gsk 1
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- GsmArena 1
- GSuite 1
- Guangdong 1
- Guatemala 1
- Guerrera 1
- Guetzli 1
- GUI Scripting 1
- Guida Galattica per Gli Autostoppisti 1
- Guido 1
- Guix 1
- Gundotra 1
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- Gypsy 1
- Gödel Escher Bach 1
- GödelEscherBach 1
- Hack 1
- Hadley 1
- Hal 1
- Hal9000 1
- Halloween 1
- Hand 1
- Handimatica 1
- Hangouts 1
- Hansson 1
- Happy Scribe 1
- Harley Turan 1
- Harrison Bergeron 1
- Harry Shum 1
- Harvey 1
- Hat 1
- Hawkeye 1
- Hay 1
- HB 1
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- Hcl 1
- HD 1
- Hd2 1
- Hdiutil 1
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- Hearing Aid Feature 1
- Heartbleed 1
- Heat 1
- Heinemeier 1
- Heinemeier Hansson 1
- Heinlein 1
- Helion 1
- Hello Kitty Island Adventures 1
- Helmholtz 1
- Hemlock 1
- Hero 1
- HeroLab 1
- Hesse 1
- Heyyoudvd 1
- Hgst 1
- High Sierra 1
- Highlands 1
- Hii 1
- Hilbert 1
- Hilf 1
- Hill 1
- Hilton 1
- Hinton 1
- Hints 1
- Hische 1
- Hobbit 1
- Hoboken 1
- Hockney 1
- Hodinkee 1
- Hoefler 1
- Hoffmann 1
- Hoftstadter 1
- Hogan 1
- Hojoki 1
- Hollister 1
- Hollow Knight 1
- Hollywood 1
- Holmes 1
- Holt 1
- HomeDepot 1
- HomePad 1
- HomePod Mini 1
- Honan 1
- Hoover 1
- Horowitz 1
- Hosting 1
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- HotS 1
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- Houle 1
- Hours 1
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- Howell 1
- HP Smart 1
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- Hublot 1
- Huddle 1
- Hudson 1
- Huffington 1
- Huffington Post 1
- HuffingtonPost 1
- Huffpost 1
- Human Interface Guidelines 1
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- Humanistic 1
- Humanoïdes 1
- Humble 1
- Hume 1
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- Hurt 1
- Hyams 1
- Hyper Key 1
- Hyper-V 1
- Hypercritical 1
- HyperDuck 1
- Hyperlink 1
- Hyperspace 1
- I Limiti Dello Sviluppo 1
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- Il Ritorno Del Re 1
- Il Tutto È Falso 1
- Il Vitello Dai Piedi Di Balsa 1
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- IMac 27” 1
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- Innoveracy 1
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- International Electron Devices Meeting 1
- InternetArchive 1
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- IOS 16.2 1
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- IOS. 1
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- Iovine 1
- Iowa 1
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- Iskaerna 1
- Isso 1
- It Is Better to Be a Pirate Than Join the Navy 1
- Itch.io 1
- Iterazione 1
- ITuned 1
- ITV 1
- ITworld 1
- IWorld 1
- IWorm 1
- J. Geils Band 1
- J.Crew 1
- J.soft 1
- Jabberwocky 1
- Jack Wellborn 1
- Jackson 1
- Jacob Kaplan-Moss 1
- Jacques 1
- Jalkut 1
- Jam 1
- Jambox 1
- James Howell 1
- James Thomson 1
- James Vowles 1
- James Webb Telescope 1
- Jan Sulmont 1
- Jandali 1
- Jannacci 1
- Jannone 1
- Jason Aten 1
- Jason Eckert 1
- Jason Fried 1
- Jason Scott 1
- JavaScriptmas 1
- Jean-Christophe Collet 1
- Jeff Bezos 1
- Jeff Vogel 1
- Jeremy Paxman 1
- Jerpint 1
- Jerry Pournelle 1
- Jess Weatherbed 1
- Jira 1
- Jitsi Meet 1
- Joanna Stern 1
- Joel 1
- Joel Podolny 1
- Johannes Vermeer 1
- John Carmack 1
- John Conway 1
- John Giannandrea 1
- John Gruber Daring Fireball 1
- John McCarthy 1
- John Perry Barlow 1
- John Voorhes 1
- Johnson 1
- Johnston 1
- Jolly Roger 1
- Jon Erlichman 1
- Jon Prosser 1
- Jony 1
- Jordan 1
- Jose 1
- Josh Whiton 1
- Joyent 1
- Joz 1
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- Jung 1
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- Juran 1
- Jurassic 1
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- Kafasis 1
- Kagi 1
- Kahn 1
- Kahoot 1
- Kaizengarden 1
- Kanban 1
- Kandji 1
- Kapanoglu 1
- Karkhiv 1
- Kashkin 1
- Kaspersky 1
- KataGo 1
- Katowice 1
- Kawasaki 1
- Kay 1
- Kaypro 1
- Keeper 1
- Kellerman 1
- Kellin Pelrine 1
- Kelly 1
- Ken Thompson 1
- Kendall Roy 1
- Kennedy 1
- Keppol 1
- KeRanger 1
- Keras 1
- Kern 1
- Kernighan 1
- Kerry 1
- Kevin Mitnick 1
- Kevin Noki 1
- Keychron 1
- Keynote Live 1
- Keys 1
- Keystation 1
- Khan Academy 1
- Kids 1
- Kieran Healy 1
- Kieran McCarthy 1
- Kildall 1
- Kill 1
- Killbit 1
- Kim Vorrath 1
- Kimiko 1
- Kitchen 1
- Kiwi 1
- KJ-19 1
- Klaus Zimmermann 1
- Knoop 1
- Knotmania 1
- Knowledge Navigator 1
- KnowledgeNavigator 1
- Kobo 1
- Kodak 1
- Koder 1
- Kodex 1
- Kodiak 1
- Koding 1
- Komodia 1
- Konqueror 1
- Kontrabant 2 1
- Kosmik 1
- Kotlin 1
- Kottke 1
- Koumanova 1
- Krack 1
- Krebs 1
- Krita 1
- Krzanich 1
- Ku990 1
- Kubrick 1
- Kunchevsky 1
- Kurt Vonnegut 1
- Kurzweil 1
- Kyle Wiens 1
- L 1
- La Lettera Rubata 1
- La Tecnologia È Religione 1
- Lab42 1
- LaBuonaScuola 1
- Lacy 1
- Ladder 1
- Laforet 1
- Lambda 1
- Lambert 1
- LaMda 1
- Languagesetup 1
- Lanier 1
- Lapsus$ 1
- Laptop 1
- Large Language Model 1
- Larian 1
- Larson 1
- Laser 1
- Laterza 1
- Latin Times 1
- Lattner 1
- Laura Javier 1
- Laureen Powell 1
- Lausd 1
- Lavoro 1
- Lazaridis 1
- LC 1
- Lcross 1
- Leaf 1
- League 1
- Leah Elliott 1
- LeanCrew 1
- Leap 1
- Lebling 1
- Lectrote 1
- LeCunn 1
- Lee 1
- Legend 1
- Legends 1
- Legnano 1
- Lego Builder’s Journey 1
- Lemire 1
- Lemmings 1
- Lendle 1
- Leolandia 1
- Leonardo 1
- Leopolda 1
- Less 1
- Letoverlambda 1
- Letter Spirit 1
- Letteratura Elettronica Italiana 1
- Liam 1
- Libia 1
- Librogame 1
- Lifehacker 1
- Lighting 1
- Lights 1
- Liguria 1
- Like 1
- Lim 1
- Limbook 1
- Linate 1
- Lincoln 1
- Line 1
- Lingua 1
- Linkiesta 1
- Linus 1
- LinuxGizmos 1
- Lion 1
- Lione 1
- Liquid 1
- LiquidText 1
- Lisp Interpreter 1
- Lite 1
- Litio 1
- LIV 1
- Live 1
- Live Captions 1
- Live Text 1
- LIX 1
- Llama 2 1
- Llama.ttf 1
- Lo Hobbit 1
- LocalDictionary 1
- Locida 1
- Locker 1
- Lockheimer 1
- Lode Runner 1
- Lofree 1
- LogicProX 1
- Login 1
- Logitech 1
- LogMeIn 1
- Lolita 1
- Lombardi 1
- Lone 1
- Long 1
- Longbottom 1
- Longevity by Design 1
- Lookout 1
- Loopy 1
- Lords 1
- Lore Runner 1
- Los Angeles Times 1
- Lotti 1
- Lovato 1
- Love Is the Seventh Wave 1
- Lovers 1
- Low 1
- Low End Mac 1
- Low Power Mode 1
- Ls 1
- Lte 1
- Lubiana 1
- Luca 1
- Luca Bonissi 1
- Luca Casonato 1
- Luciano 1
- Lucimia 1
- Lucy Edwards 1
- Luke Miani 1
- Lumon Industries 1
- Lunar Celestial Reference System 1
- Lunar Coordinate Time 1
- Lunatic Fringe 1
- Lundqvist 1
- Lvmh 1
- Lynn 1
- Lynx 1
- Lynxlet 1
- L’uomo Che Vendette La Luna 1
- M.G. Siegler 1
- M118dw 1
- M2 Max 1
- M3 Ultra 1
- M3800 1
- M6 1
- M7 1
- Mac Book Pro 1
- Mac OS 9 1
- Mac OS X Server 1
- Mac Source Ports 1
- MacAddict 1
- MacAdmins 1
- MacAppware 1
- MacBook Air 15” M3 1
- MacBook Pro 13” 1
- MacBoom 1
- MacDraw 1
- Macerata 1
- MacForge 1
- MacFormat 1
- Machine Learning Research at Apple 1
- Machinima 1
- Macincloud 1
- Macintosh 128K 1
- Macintosh II 1
- Macintosh IIsi 1
- Macintosh Pascal 1
- Macintosh Plus 1
- Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop 1
- Macintosh128k 1
- Macintosh512Ke 1
- MacintoshStory 1
- Macitynet 1
- Macklowe 1
- MacMadness 1
- MacNewbie 1
- MacNN 1
- MacOS 11.4 1
- MacOS 14 1
- MacOS Server 1
- MacOSX 1
- MacOsxAutomation 1
- MacOSXHints 1
- MacPad 1
- MacPaw 1
- MacPorts 1
- MacScripter 1
- Macscrpt 1
- MacSurfer 1
- Macworld Italia 1
- MacWrite 1
- Madden 1
- Made 1
- MadeWithArKit 1
- Madness 1
- Madonna 1
- Maeda 1
- MagicKeyboardII 1
- Mago 1
- MagPi 1
- Mail Merge 1
- Mailbox 1
- Mailing List 1
- MailShield 1
- Major League Baseball 1
- Make Something Great 1
- Make Something Wonderful 1
- Malaria 1
- Malda 1
- Malik 1
- Malik Afegbua 1
- MalwareBytes Labs 1
- Man 1
- Man-in-the-Middle 1
- Mandelbrot 1
- Manning 1
- Mante 1
- Mantellini 1
- Manton Reece 1
- Manuale Delle Giovani Marmotte 1
- Manutencoop 1
- MapKit 1
- Mappa 1
- Marathon 2 1
- Marathon Infinity 1
- Marc Andreessen 1
- Marc Newson 1
- March1 1
- Marchesi 1
- Marchionne 1
- Marcin Wichary 1
- Marco Arment 1
- Marco Fiorentino 1
- Marco Giacobazzi 1
- Marek Rosa 1
- Marfan 1
- Margarethe Vestager 1
- Margrethe Vestager 1
- Mari 1
- MarK Twain 1
- Mark Zuckerberg 1
- Markdoc 1
- Markdownn 1
- Marked2 1
- Marketing 1
- Markkula 1
- Markoff 1
- Marosia 1
- Marp 1
- Marrs 1
- MarsEdit 1
- Marston 1
- Marte 1
- Martin Peers 1
- Martina 1
- Martinez 1
- Marvel Rivals 1
- Marx 1
- Mary Jo Foley 1
- Marzipanify 1
- Masayoshi Son 1
- Maschwitz 1
- Mashable 1
- Masochista 1
- Massimo 1
- Master 1
- Masterchef 1
- Mastering 1
- Mastro35 1
- Mate 1
- Mate 50 1
- Mate 50 Pro 1
- MateX 1
- MathML 1
- Mathplotlib 1
- MathsChallenge 1
- MathStudio 1
- Matia 1
- Matia Bazar 1
- Matita 1
- Matrix 1
- Matt Bircher 1
- Matt Deatherage 1
- Matt Sephton 1
- Matthew Cassinelli 1
- Matthew Green 1
- Maurizio 1
- Mauro Sabbione 1
- Max Weinberg 1
- Maxima 1
- Maximum Pc 1
- Maya 1
- Mazzini-Modugno 1
- McAfee 1
- McDonalds 1
- MChapters 1
- McIlroy 1
- MDDT 1
- Meazza 1
- Mechanics 1
- MediaPad 1
- Mediaset 1
- MediaWiki 1
- Mediaworld 1
- Medical Device Development Tools 1
- Medioevo 1
- Mediolanum 1
- MeeGo 1
- Megliounipad 1
- Melamorsicata 1
- Memo 1
- Memo Vocali 1
- Memoji 1
- Memoria 1
- Memorie Dal Sottosuolo 1
- Mensa 1
- Mercato 1
- Mercedes 1
- Mersenne 1
- MessagePad2100 1
- Messages 1
- Messenger 1
- Messico 1
- Meta Quest 1
- Metamagical Themes 1
- Metamorphabet 1
- Metoo 1
- Metropolis 1
- Metz 1
- Mezzanotte 1
- Mg 1
- Mi 1
- Michael Artiaga 1
- Michael Jordan 1
- Michael Sweet 1
- Mickle 1
- Micr0soft 1
- Micro 1
- Micro:bit 1
- MicroLed 1
- Micromax 1
- Microonde 1
- Microsft 1
- Microsoft 365 1
- Microsoft Design 1
- Microsoft Network 1
- Microsoft Travel 1
- Microsoft Word 1
- Midi 1
- Might 1
- Miguel De Icaza 1
- Mike Bombich 1
- Mike Culbert 1
- Mike D’Antoni 1
- Mike Knoop 1
- Mike Markkula 1
- Mike Oldfield 1
- Mike Swanson 1
- Milena Vukotic 1
- Millard Drexler 1
- Millennium 1
- Milunovich 1
- Mindstorms 1
- Minesweeper 1
- Minetest 1
- Mini VMac 1
- Minigrooves 1
- MinimalStatusBar 1
- Minority Report 1
- Mintsopoulos 1
- Minuto 1
- Mission Impossible 1
- Missouri 1
- Mitnick 1
- Miur 1
- Mix 1
- Miyamoto 1
- Mkdir 1
- MkLnux 1
- ML 1
- MLX 1
- MNT Pocket Reform 1
- Mntre 1
- Mobile Fidelity 1
- Model A 1
- Model One Digital+ 1
- Model T 1
- ModernFamily 1
- Modes 1
- MoFi 1
- Mojang 1
- MongoDB 1
- Mongolia 1
- Monica Chin 1
- Monopoli 1
- Monotype 1
- Monsters 1
- Montanelli 1
- Monte San Vito 1
- Monti Sibillini 1
- Monty Hall 1
- Monument Valley 2 1
- MonumentValley 1
- Moo 1
- Moof 1
- Moom 1
- Morevna 1
- Morgernstern 1
- Morita 1
- Mormoni 1
- Morning 1
- Morridk 1
- Morville 1
- Morì 1
- Motion 1
- Moto360 1
- MotoX 1
- Motzkin 1
- Mount Sinai 1
- MountainLion 1
- Movgrab 1
- Movies 1
- Ms-Dos 1
- MsnTV 1
- Msx 1
- Mudec 1
- Mueller 1
- Multi-Core 1
- Multi-Touch 1
- Multicore 1
- Multics 1
- Multifinder 1
- Multimodal Reference Resolution System 1
- Multipeer 1
- Munger 1
- Muppets 1
- Mural 1
- Museo Del Balì 1
- MusicVault 1
- Mv 1
- Mwc 1
- MX 1
- MyAutogrill 1
- Myerson 1
- MyHeritage 1
- MyPaint 1
- Mysk 1
- Mysmartprice 1
- Möbius 1
- Münchausen 1
- Namebench 1
- Namespace 1
- Nanchang 1
- Nanchino 1
- Nandgame 1
- NaNoWriMo 1
- Napalm 1
- Napoli 1
- Nashville 1
- National Institute of Standards and Technology 1
- Nativi Digitali 1
- Nature 1
- Navigatore 1
- Nazionale 1
- NBC 1
- NbcNews 1
- Nc 1
- Neil 1
- Neil Young 1
- Neowin 1
- Net Neutrality 1
- Netcat 1
- NetHack Challenge 1
- Nets 1
- Networking 1
- Nevada 1
- Neverwinter Nights 1
- New England Patriots 1
- NewLisp 1
- News+ 1
- Newsbeuter 1
- Newsletter 1
- Newson 1
- Newton Press 1
- Newton-John 1
- NewtonScript 1
- NewYorker 1
- NeXTBsd 1
- Nfl Game Pass 1
- NFT 1
- Nhl 1
- Nhs 1
- Niae 1
- Nicas 1
- Nicholas Rougeux 1
- Nick Clegg 1
- Nicoletti 1
- Niente 1
- Niftski 1
- Nikkei 1
- Niklaus Wirth 1
- Nikon 1
- Niléane 1
- Nit 1
- No Rocket Science 1
- No-Code 1
- NodeJS 1
- Noki 1
- Nomi 1
- Nominet 1
- Norbauer 1
- Nordlund 1
- Nori 1
- Nortel 1
- Norvegia 1
- Noster 1
- Note5 1
- Notebook 1
- NoteCards 1
- Notifiche 1
- Notify 1
- Notmuch 1
- Notre-Dame 1
- Nougat 1
- NovaChat 1
- Novità 1
- Nowinski 1
- Nozze 1
- Npr 1
- Nrs 1
- NTi 1
- Nuance 1
- Nuc 1
- Nucleus 1
- Numb 1
- Numerera 1
- Numeronymize 1
- Nuova Zelanda 1
- Nuvia 1
- Nvram 1
- NyTimes 1
- Oakley 1
- Object Capture 1
- OBS Camera 1
- Obscura 1
- Obsolescenza 1
- Obsolescenza Programmata 1
- Obsoleto 1
- Ocarina of Time 1
- Oceania 1
- Oceanografic 1
- Oddity 1
- Oddmar 1
- ODG 1
- Odyssey 1
- Oeis 1
- Offagna 1
- Office365 1
- Oggetto:Intervista 1
- Ogs 1
- Ohio 1
- Ohlen 1
- Ohm 1
- Oids 1
- Okta 1
- Old 1
- Ole Zorn 1
- Olimpia 1
- Oliver Byrne 1
- Olivia Newton-John 1
- Ollama 1
- Olson 1
- Olsro 1
- Oluminate 1
- OlumiRing 1
- Omni 1
- Omnigraffle 1
- Omotesando 1
- One 1
- One Foot Tsunami 1
- One UI 1
- OneClick 1
- OneNote 1
- OneShot 1
- Onufrio 1
- Open Document Format 1
- Open to Meraviglia 1
- Open365 1
- OpenBSD 7.1 1
- OpenCore Legacy Patcher 1
- OpenDoc 1
- OpenDocument Reader 1
- OpenELA 1
- OpenELM 1
- OpenEmu 1
- OpenGL ES 1
- OpenGL ES 3.1 1
- OpenRA 1
- OpenSea 1
- OpenSolaris 1
- OpenSsl 1
- OpenUsd 1
- OpenZFS 1
- Opera 1
- Operator41 1
- Opf 1
- Oppo 1
- Option 1
- Opzione 1
- Orari 1
- Orchestra 1
- Ordine Dei Giornalisti 1
- Ore 1
- Orellana 1
- Oren 1
- Oreo 1
- Organelle 1
- Oric-1 1
- Orio 1
- OrizzonteScuola 1
- Orlando 1
- Orologio 1
- OS X 1
- OS9 1
- Osborne 1
- Osborne 1 1
- Ostrava 1
- OSX10.3.3 1
- OSXDaily 1
- OSXPhotos 1
- Ottawa 1
- Oubliette 1
- OurSignature 1
- Out-of-Order 1
- Overcast 1
- Overshoot 1
- Overwatch 1
- Owin18 1
- OwnCloud 1
- O’Flaherty-Chan 1
- P10 1
- P2 1
- P3 1
- P50 1
- P9 1
- PA 1
- Pac-Man 1
- Pacemaker 1
- Pad 1
- Padcaster 1
- Paderborn 1
- PageEdit 1
- PagoPA 1
- Paku Paku 1
- Palermo 1
- PalmPilot 1
- Pampers 1
- Pangrammi 1
- Panini 1
- Panino 1
- Panther 1
- Panthers 1
- Pantieri 1
- Pantone 1
- Paola Barale 1
- Paolo Villaggio 1
- Paolofasy 1
- Paolucci 1
- Paradosso Di Fermi 1
- Parco 1
- Parco Di Monza 1
- Parens of the Dead 1
- Parenti 1
- Parioli 1
- Parker 1
- Parkinson 1
- Parks 1
- Parmigiano 1
- Pass 1
- Pat Fry 1
- Patently 1
- Pathfinder 1
- Pathos 1
- Pattern 1
- Paul Allen 1
- Paul Erlich 1
- Paul Ford 1
- Paul Gavarini 1
- Paul Graham 1
- Paul Kafasis 1
- Pauling 1
- Pavel Durov 1
- Paxman 1
- Pc Magazine 1
- PCE.js 1
- PCloud 1
- Pdflatex 1
- Pdp-10 1
- Pdp/11 1
- Pearson 1
- Pebble 1
- Pec 1
- Peccei 1
- Pedemontana 1
- Pegatron 1
- Pell 1
- Pelrine 1
- PenLite 1
- PenMac 1
- Penn 1
- People Detection 1
- Pepper&Carrot 1
- Pepsi Co. 1
- Perens 1
- Perfect Circle 1
- PerfectRec 1
- Performa 1
- Performa 550 1
- Perlini 1
- Permessi 1
- Pernice Rossa 1
- Persistent 1
- Personal 1
- Personal Voice 1
- Pesaro 1
- Pete Parsons 1
- Peter Hyams 1
- Peter Thiel 1
- Petey 1
- Pezzali 1
- Pfizer 1
- Pgrep 1
- Phil 1
- Philips 1
- Phoenix 1
- PhoneArena 1
- Phoronix 1
- Photo Continuity 1
- Photographic Styles 1
- PhotoMath 1
- Photomerge 1
- Photostudio 1
- PhpStorm 1
- Piccolo Teatro 1
- Pico 1
- PieMessage 1
- Pierce 1
- Pile 1
- Pillars of Garendall 1
- Pina 1
- Pine64 1
- PinePhone 1
- PineTime 1
- Pink Floyd 1
- Pioneer 1
- Pioneers 1
- Pipe 1
- Pisano 1
- Pitfall 1
- Pittard 1
- Pixar Theory 1
- Pixel 6 1
- Pixel 6 Pro 1
- Pixel 9 1
- Pixel Tablet 1
- Pixel Watch 1
- Pixelbook 1
- Pixelfed 1
- Pixels 1
- Pizzi 1
- Plain Text Sports 1
- Plaintextsports.com 1
- Plan 9 1
- Planets 1
- Platformer 1
- Play Store 1
- Playdate SDK 1
- Playdek 1
- Playgraounds 1
- Playmedia 1
- PlayStation 1
- Pledge 1
- Plenaria 1
- Plist 1
- Pluralistic 1
- Png 1
- Po-33 1
- Poc 1
- Pocket 1
- Pocket-Lint 1
- PocketCAS 1
- PocketGamer 1
- PodCleaner 1
- Podolny 1
- Poe 1
- Poesie 1
- Pohlink 1
- Point 1
- Point-E 1
- Polis 1
- PolisOrbis 1
- Politico 1
- Polly Samson 1
- Polonia 1
- Polympics 1
- Pop 1
- Popsci 1
- Popular 1
- Popular Science 1
- Popup 1
- Pornhub 1
- Porsche 1
- Port Forwarding 1
- Portachiavi 1
- Portachiavi ICloud 1
- Portorico 1
- Post-Quantum Cryptography 1
- Posterous 1
- PostgreSql 1
- PostgresSQL 1
- PotatoP 1
- Power Mac 1
- Power Macintosh 7200/90 1
- PowerBook 100 1
- PowerBook 12” 1
- PowerBook 12” G4 1
- PowerBook Duo 1
- PowerBook Quattro 1
- PowerBook100 1
- PowerBookG3 1
- Powerline 1
- PowerMac8 1
- Powersharing 1
- PQC 1
- PR#6 1
- Practical Common Lisp 1
- Pratchett 1
- Pre 1
- Precision 1
- Preferences 1
- Premium 1
- Prescott 1
- Presenterm 1
- Press 1
- Prevention 1
- Previn 1
- Prezi 1
- Princi 1
- Prism 1
- Pro Display Xdr 1
- Probabilità 1
- Process Zero 1
- Procter & Gamble 1
- ProDos 1
- Producer 1
- Profitto 1
- Programmatori per Caso 1
- Progressive 1
- Project Euler 1
- Project Zero 1
- ProjectLibre 1
- ProMotion 1
- Prompt2 1
- ProPublica 1
- Prosser 1
- Protocol 1
- Proton 1
- Prove 1
- Provider 1
- Psion 5 1
- Pubblicità 1
- Publish 1
- Publisher 1
- Puc 1
- Puma 1
- Puntatori 1
- PureDarwin 1
- PureOS 1
- Pushover 1
- Putnam 1
- Pythn 1
- Pyto 1
- Q 1
- Q8 1
- Qanon 1
- Qashqai 1
- Qemu 1
- QR 1
- Qt 1
- Quadra 1
- Quake III Arena 1
- Quanta 1
- Quanta Magazine 1
- Quantum Computing 1
- Quasi 1
- Qubit 1
- Queen's 1
- Queensland 1
- Quick Notes 1
- QuickLook Simulator 1
- Quicktime Player 1
- Quinta Di Copertina 1
- Quitter 1
- Qwerty 1
- R1 1
- R360 1
- Rabbit 1
- Rabbit R1 1
- Raccuglia 1
- Radio Študent 1
- Radio.Garden 1
- Radio24 1
- RadioShack 1
- Ragtime 1
- Rai 2 1
- Rai News 1
- Rai5 1
- Raid 1
- Rails 1
- RaiPlay Yoyo 1
- Raisport 1
- RaiUno 1
- Rally 1
- Ramanujan 1
- Rand 1
- Random.org 1
- Rapidi 1
- Raskin 1
- Raspberry PI 500 1
- Raspberry Pico 1
- RaspberryPi 1
- Raton 1
- Raw 1
- Ray Kurzweil 1
- Ray Ozzie 1
- Raymond 1
- Raz Degan 1
- Razr 1
- Re-Order 1
- Readiris 1
- Readwise 1
- Ready 1
- Reagan 1
- Real 1
- Reality 1
- RealityOS 1
- RealNetworks 1
- Recode 1
- Recordium 1
- Red Alert 1
- Red Hat Enteprise Linux 1
- Red Legged Partridge 1
- Redbull 1
- Redmond 1
- RedMonk 1
- Reece 1
- Reeder 1
- Reference Card 1
- Referendum 1
- Reform 1
- Refresh 1
- ReFS 1
- Reggiano 1
- Register 1
- Registratore Vocale 1
- Regola 1
- Regolo 1
- Regular 1
- Rekordbox 1
- Relatività 1
- Relay 1
- Religione 1
- Remake 1
- Remote Dwarf Fortress 1
- Reno 1
- Repl 1
- Repubblica 1
- Rescuecom 1
- ResearchLive 1
- Researxh 1
- Resolve 1
- Retina Studio 1
- Retool 1
- Retro 1
- Retro Biosciences 1
- RetroArch 1
- RetrocomputerClub 1
- RetroConnector 1
- Rev 1
- Review 1
- Revivify 1
- Revoy 1
- Reyes 1
- Rfc 1
- Riaa 1
- Ribelli 1
- Riccardo Luna 1
- Riccardo Morì 1
- Ricercar 1
- Rijksmuseum 1
- Riley Testut 1
- Rimes 1
- Ring Light 1
- Ringing of the Bells 1
- Ringraziamento 1
- Rio2016 1
- RioTech 1
- Risiko Alieno 1
- Risoluzione 1
- Risparmio 1
- Risultati 1
- Ritchie 1
- Rive 1
- Rm 1
- Rmdir 1
- RNA 1
- Rng 1
- Ro 1
- Roambi 1
- Rob 1
- Robert Heinlein 1
- Robert Sawyer 1
- Roberto Gilli 1
- Roberto Marin Marin 1
- Roberto Pezzali 1
- Robihood 1
- Roblox 1
- Robot 1
- Robservatory 1
- Roche 1
- Rocket 1
- RocketBook 1
- Roemmele 1
- Roger 1
- Rogeux 1
- Rogue 1
- RogueAmoeba 1
- Rolling Stones 1
- Rollinz 1
- Roman 1
- Rome FileMaker Week 1
- Romero 1
- Ron Avitzur 1
- Ron Garret 1
- Ronald Reagan 1
- Rooms 1
- RoomScan 1
- Roosevelt 1
- Rosetta 1
- Rospach 1
- Rossignol 1
- Rossum 1
- Rota 1
- Rotary 1
- Rovereto 1
- Roy Longbottom 1
- Rs 1
- Rs-232 1
- RSA 1
- RT News 1
- Rtl 1
- Ruby on Rails 1
- RubyMine 1
- Rudess 1
- Rugby 1
- Rugged 1
- Ruggero Orlando 1
- Rumps 1
- Rumsfeld 1
- Runelords 1
- Runner 1
- Ruspadana 1
- Ruth Gottesman 1
- Ryan Norbauer 1
- Ryzen 1
- S&P 500 1
- S&P500 1
- S-Pen 1
- S4 1
- Sacco 1
- Sacconaghi 1
- Sachs 1
- Sadun 1
- Saffell Mike Saffell 1
- Saffo 1
- Sage 1
- Saipem 1
- Sakoman 1
- Sal 1
- Sal Soghoian 1
- Sales Guy 1
- Salesforce 1
- Sallows 1
- Salone 1
- Salvaschermo 1
- Sam 1
- Samnsung 1
- Sanford 1
- Santa 1
- Sant’Agostino 1
- Saqqara 1
- Sars 1
- Sartori 1
- Sascha Segan 1
- Saskatchewan 1
- SAT 1
- Satellite 1
- Satisfaction 1
- Saurik 1
- Sauron 1
- Sauven 1
- Savall 1
- Saving Simon 1
- Savov 1
- Sawyer 1
- Sbc 1
- Scanner 1
- Scarabeo 1
- Scarciello 1
- Scary Fast 1
- Schermi 1
- Scherzo 1
- Schnapple 1
- Schneider 1
- Schnitzler 1
- School 1
- Schopenhauer 1
- Schrödinger 1
- Schuko 1
- Sciandivasci 1
- Science 1
- Science Direct 1
- Scientific 1
- Scienza 1
- SCII 1
- Sclavi 1
- Scorebug 1
- Scorrimento 1
- Scott Forstall 1
- Scott McCloud 1
- Scott Nordlund 1
- Scott Prevost 1
- Scrabble 1
- Screen 1
- Screen Time 1
- Screencapture 1
- Screens 1
- Scrimba 1
- Scripting.com 1
- ScriptingOSX 1
- Scroll 1
- Scrolling 1
- Scrutch 1
- Sdr16 1
- Sea 1
- Seahawks 1
- Seal 1
- Sealie Software 1
- Seat 1
- Seattle 1
- SeattleTimes 1
- Secure List 1
- Security Keys for Apple ID 1
- Seidel 1
- SektionEins 1
- Seldon 1
- Selects 2021 1
- Selene 1
- Self Service Repair 1
- SelfControl 1
- Semianalysis 1
- SemRush 1
- Sendo 1
- Seneca 1
- Senigallia 1
- Sense 1
- Sentry 1
- Sephton 1
- Sept2 1
- Septin 1
- Serravalle 1
- Servant 1
- Service 1
- Servizi 1
- Ses 1
- Seth Godin 1
- Seti@Home 1
- SetteBit 1
- Settimana Enigmistica 1
- Settimio Perlini 1
- Setup 1
- SF 1
- SF Symbols 1
- SFGate 1
- Sfo 1
- Shadow 1
- Shadowmatic 1
- Shadows Over Camelot 1
- Shangri-La 1
- Shared ICloud Library 1
- SharePlay Screen Sharing 1
- Sharia 1
- Sharp 1
- Sharpe 1
- Shebang 1
- Shellcheck 1
- Shelter 1
- Shenzhen 1
- Shepherd 1
- Sherlock Holmes 1
- Sherry Livingston 1
- Shimmera 1
- Shockwave 1
- Shoham 1
- Shortcuts Catalog 1
- Show 1
- Shrdlu 1
- Shroud 1
- Shugaa 1
- Siae 1
- Sidecar 1
- Siegel 1
- Sight 1
- Sigil 1
- Sigil-Ebook 1
- SignatureExperience 1
- SignorD 1
- Silmarillion 1
- Silverlight 5 1
- Sim 1
- Simile 1
- Simon 1
- Simon Stoevring 1
- Simon Willison 1
- Simone Aliprandi 1
- Simonetta Sciandivasci 1
- Simplenote 1
- SimpleText 1
- Sinchronicity II 1
- Sincronicità 1
- Sincronizzazione 1
- Sindrome Di Marfan 1
- Singapore 1
- Singapore Airlines 1
- Single-Core 1
- Sips 1
- Sir Apfelot 1
- Siri Remote 1
- Skacciakanazza 1
- Sketch 1
- SkilledObject 1
- SkyGo 1
- Skywalker 1
- Slack-Term 1
- Sleep 1
- Slicing 1
- Slides 1
- Slovenia 1
- Smart Working 1
- SmartFolio 1
- SmartSketch 1
- Smartwatch Extreme 1
- Smiling Isle 1
- Smw 1
- Snake 1
- SnapSchool 1
- Snazzy Labs 1
- Sneep 1
- Snow Leopard 1
- Social 1
- Società Idroelettrica Piemontese 1
- Soddisfazione 1
- Sojourner 1
- Sol 1
- Sole 1
- Solitaire 1
- Solitario 1
- Solutions 1
- Son 1
- Sonic 1
- Sonnet 1
- Sony-Ericsson 1
- SonyEricsson 1
- Sort 1
- SOS 1
- Sosta 1
- Sotu 1
- SoundStsge 1
- Soup 1
- Sourcesense 1
- Sourgeforge 1
- South African Revenue Service 1
- Sovraimpressioni 1
- Sox 1
- Space Force 1
- Space Invaders 1
- Space News 1
- Spaces 1
- Spaceteam 1
- Spamsieve 1
- Spappolate 1
- Sparkle 1
- Sparks 1
- Spatial Computing 1
- Spazi 1
- SpecLisp 1
- Specout 1
- Speech-to-Text 1
- Speedmark 1
- Speedometer 1
- Speroni 1
- SPI 1
- Spicer 1
- Spider-Mac 1
- Spiderweb Software 1
- Spline 1
- Spork 1
- Spreadsheet 1
- Spring Lisp Game Jam 1
- Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 1
- Sprint 1
- Spyware 1
- Sqlite3 1
- Sri 1
- Ssn 1
- St. Therese Catholic Primary School 1
- Stable Diffusion 1
- Stack Overflow 1
- StackEdit 1
- StackExchange 1
- StackSocial 1
- Stackup 1
- Stadia 1
- Stagefright 1
- Stamos 1
- Stampa Unione 1
- Standard 1
- Star 1
- Star Walk 2 1
- Starcom 1
- Starcraft 1
- Starliner 1
- Starlink 1
- Starry Landscape Stacker 1
- StarStax 1
- Start Me Up 1
- Startup 1
- StarWars 1
- State Department 1
- State Farm 1
- State of the Distro 1
- Statistica 1
- Stato 1
- Status 1
- StatusBoard 1
- Steam Deck 1
- Stefano Paganini 1
- Stefano Quintarelli 1
- Stem 1
- Steph Ango 1
- Stephen Curry 1
- Stephen Elop 1
- Stephen Kleene 1
- Stephenson 1
- Sterling Crispin 1
- Steve Jobs Archive 1
- Steve Jobs Archives 1
- Steve Jos Archive 1
- Steve Sakoman 1
- Steve Throughton-Smith 1
- Steve Troughton-Smith 1
- Steven 1
- Steven Hackett 1
- Stevie Wonder 1
- Stewart Copeland 1
- StickyNotifications 1
- Stilton 1
- StockApps 1
- Stockfish 1
- Stoevring 1
- Stohen Hackett 1
- Stop 1
- Stop Destroying Games 1
- Stopera 1
- StopTheMadness 1
- Storie Di Apple 1
- Storm 1
- Strassburger 1
- Stratum 1
- Stratēchery 1
- Streaming Foto 1
- Streaming Photo 1
- StreetLib 1
- Stripe 1
- Stu Maschwitz 1
- SubEthaEdit 1
- Sublime 1
- SublimeText 1
- Substack 1
- Substitute 1
- Succession 1
- Sucho 1
- Suck 1
- Sudafrica 1
- Sudo 1
- Sulmont 1
- Sundance 1
- Sundell 1
- Suni Williams 1
- Sup 1
- Super Bowl LIX 1
- Super Bowl LVII 1
- Super Bowl LVIII 1
- Super Mario Bros 1
- SuperBowl 1
- Supercell 1
- Supercharging 1
- Superfast 1
- Superintelligence 1
- Superintelligenza 1
- SuperPaint 1
- SuperUser 1
- Supplier 1
- Supporto 1
- Surface Pro 1
- Surface Studio 1
- Surface2 1
- Surface3 1
- SurfacePro 1
- SurfaceRT 1
- Susan Kare 1
- Suse 1
- Suspended a Cryogenic Nightmare 1
- Swanson 1
- Sweet 1
- Swen Vincke 1
- Swift 6 1
- SwiftIO 1
- SwiftIO Playground 1
- SwiftKey 1
- Swiss Bradcasting Corporation 1
- Swissinfo.ch 1
- Switch Control 1
- Swype 1
- Symbian 1
- Symbolics 1
- Symmetry 1
- SymPy 1
- Syne 1
- Synfig 1
- Sysdiagnose 1
- System 7 1
- System1.1g 1
- T-Shirt 1
- T460 1
- Tabakalera 1
- Tac 1
- Tacchi 1
- Taco Bell 1
- TAI 1
- Tail 1
- Tail Mode 1
- Tailor-Made Organs 1
- Taio 1
- Tam 1
- Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1
- TangerineDream 1
- Tantalio 1
- Taptic 1
- Target 1
- Tarn Adams 1
- Tavolette 1
- Tay 1
- Tbbpa 1
- TeamViewer 1
- Teatro 1
- Tech Reflect 1
- Technologies 1
- Technologizer 1
- Technology 1
- Techradio 1
- Tecnicadellascuola 1
- Tecnophil 1
- Teco 1
- Ted Nelson 1
- TedX 1
- TEDxModena 1
- Telecom Italia 1
- Telephone World 1
- Televisione 1
- Teller 1
- Telum 1
- Temi Metamagici 1
- Tempest 1
- Tempi Moderni 1
- Template 1
- Tempo 1
- Temporis 1
- Ten Ten 1
- Teoria 1
- Teresa 1
- Termini 1
- TermiWatch 1
- Terni 1
- Terrazza 1
- Terry Gilliam 1
- Terry Winograd 1
- Test 1
- Testo 1
- Tevanian 1
- TexMaker 1
- TeXShop 1
- Texstatic 1
- Text Checker 1
- TextBelt 1
- TextBuddy 1
- TextDrive 1
- TextEditor 1
- TextExpander 1
- TextWrangler 1
- Tgcom24 1
- Tgv 1
- Thacker 1
- Thai 1
- Thanksgiving 1
- The 8-Bit Guy 1
- The Art of Computer Programming 1
- The Atlantic 1
- The Briefing 1
- The Catalogue 1
- The Corelatus Blog 1
- The Crimson Diamond 1
- The Dynasty 1
- The Eclectic Light Company. Iina 1
- The Elder Series 1
- The Interactive Fiction Competition 1
- The Internet Tidal Wave 1
- The Last Campfire 1
- The Man Who Sold the Moon 1
- The Manual of Mathematical Magic 1
- The Missing Rungs on the Ladder to General AI 1
- The Mix 1
- The Motley Fool 1
- The New Stack 1
- The Observatory 1
- The Onion 1
- The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science 1
- The Population Bomb 1
- The Purloinedd Letter 1
- The Race 1
- The Spokesman-Review 1
- The Unarchiver 1
- The Unofficial Apple Weblog 1
- The Verge TechPost 1
- The Wall 1
- Theater 1
- TheEnsign 1
- TheIntercept 1
- TheLoop 1
- Thelothian 1
- Theodore Roosevelt 1
- TheOnion 1
- TheParrot 1
- TheUnarchiver 1
- Thierry Breton 1
- Think 1
- ThinkDifferent 1
- Thomson 1
- Thoughts on Flash 1
- Threes 1
- Throughton-Smith 1
- Througthon-Smith 1
- TI-83 1
- Ticci 1
- Tie-Dye 1
- Tietze 1
- Tiffany 1
- Tiger 1
- Timac 1
- TimeMachine 1
- Times New Roman 1
- Tipalti 1
- Tips 1
- Tirreno 1
- Tiscali 1
- Tissot 1
- Titan 1
- Tito Stagno 1
- Titolo 1
- Tivoli Audio 1
- Tivoli Audio Art 1
- Tizen 1
- Tiziano Sclavi 1
- Toady 1
- Toca 1
- Toca Lab Plants 1
- Toca Life World 1
- Toca World 1
- Today 1
- Todoist 1
- Tog 1
- Tognazzini 1
- Tokyo 1
- Tom Brady 1
- Tom Dowdy 1
- Tom Pittard 1
- Tom Scott 1
- Tom Taschke 1
- Tomb of the Mask 1
- Tombolini 1
- Tomlinson 1
- Tommaso 1
- Tom’s 1
- Tood Bradley 1
- Toolbox Pro 1
- Topolsky 1
- Tor 1
- Torch 1
- Torna 1
- Torrent 1
- Torrentlocker 1
- TotalTerminal 1
- Touch Bar 1
- TouchBar 1
- Tour 1
- Toyota 1
- Traceroute 1
- Tracker 1
- Traf 1
- Train 1
- Trame Di Luce 1
- Translate 1
- Transmeta 1
- Trapped 1
- Travis Holm 1
- Tre 1
- Tree 1
- Treehugger 1
- Treo 1
- Trezzo 1
- Trillian 1
- Trilogia Della Fondazione 1
- Trilussa 1
- Trimestre 1
- Trio Lescano 1
- True 1
- TrueType 1
- Truman 1
- Trumbull 1
- Trustd 1
- Try Ruby 1
- Tubular Bells II 1
- Tumblr 1
- Tungsteno 1
- Turan 1
- Turci 1
- Turing Complete 1
- Turkish 1
- Turri 1
- Tuxera 1
- Tweetbot 1
- Twitch 1
- Twitterrific 1
- Tydlig 1
- Tyler 1
- Typekit 1
- Typoggraphica 1
- Typogram 1
- Typographica 1
- Typography 1
- Typst 1
- Tøndering 1
- UABlog 1
- Ubersense 1
- Ubs 1
- Udacity 1
- UI 1
- UI Browser 1
- UI Scripting 1
- Uiguri 1
- UK 1
- ULisp 1
- UltimaIV 1
- UltimateStatusBar 1
- Ultrawide 1
- Ulysses 1
- Umberto Eco 1
- Umbra 1
- Un Marziano a Roma 1
- Uncanny 1
- Ung 1
- Unicomp 1
- Unics 1
- Uniq 1
- Unity 1
- Unity3D 1
- Unity5 1
- Universal Binary 1
- Universal Scene Description 1
- UniversalAccess 1
- University 1
- Università 1
- Unix Pipe Card Game 1
- Unofficial 1
- Untangled 1
- Uova 1
- Update 1
- Uproxx 1
- Uptime 1
- Urania 1
- Url 1
- Urss 1
- Us 1
- US News 1
- Usb2 1
- Usd 1
- User Experience 1
- Utah 1
- Ute 1
- Utf-8 1
- UtilityDisco 1
- Utm 1
- Utopia 1
- Vacanze Romane 1
- Vaccino 1
- Vacic 1
- Vagrant 1
- Vainglory 1
- Valarea 1
- Valerio 1
- Valori 1
- Valsorda 1
- Van 1
- Vanda 1
- Vantage 1
- Varsavia 1
- VAX 1
- VB 1
- Vcr 1
- Vectornator 1
- Vehicle Identification Number 1
- Vehicle Motion Cues 1
- Velo 1
- Venkatesan 1
- Ventura 13.1 1
- Ventura 13.2 1
- VentureBeat 1
- Venue 1
- Venus 1
- Vera 1
- Verbasizer 1
- VerbTeX 1
- Verizon 1
- Verme 1
- Vermeer 1
- Veronica 1
- Verstak 1
- Versus 1
- Vesa 1
- Vesuvius Challenge 1
- Vga 1
- VHS 1
- ViaMilano 1
- Vic-20 1
- Vice 1
- Vickers 1
- Victoria Song 1
- Video 1
- Videogiochi 1
- VideoLan 1
- VideoLan Client 1
- VideolanClient 1
- Videoregistratori 1
- Viktoria Leontieva 1
- Villaggio 1
- Vin 1
- Vincke 1
- Vinili 1
- Vintage 1
- Virgilio 1
- Virgin 1
- Virginia 1
- Virtual Tour 1
- VirtualArkansas 1
- VirtualBuddy 1
- Virtualization 1
- Virtualizzazione 1
- Virtuoso 1
- Visa 1
- Viscardi 1
- Vision 1
- Visual 1
- Visual Basic 1
- Visual Studio 1
- Vittorio 1
- Vivex Software 1
- ViviScienza 1
- VLSI Technology 1
- VMware 1
- Vnc 1
- Vogels 1
- Voice 1
- Voice Control 1
- Voice Memos 1
- Volk 1
- Volpi 1
- Volvo 1
- Vonnegut 1
- VonNeumann 1
- Voorhes 1
- Vorrath 1
- Vowles 1
- Vox 1
- Vsc 1
- Vukotic 1
- VxWorks 1
- W3C 1
- Wacom 1
- Wagner 1
- Walkie-Talkie 1
- Walkley 1
- Walled Garden 1
- Wallpaper 1
- WallStreet 1
- Wally Nowinski 1
- Walter Cronkite 1
- Wank 1
- Wanton 1
- Warren 1
- Wars 1
- Washington Post 1
- Watch Duty 1
- WatchOS 9 1
- WatchOS3 1
- Watson 1
- Watt 1
- Waxy 1
- Wayback Machine 1
- Wc 1
- Wearable 1
- Weatherbed 1
- WeatherKit 1
- Web Orange Limited 1
- WebCore 1
- WebGL via Metal 1
- Webkit2png 1
- WebOS 1
- WebRtc 1
- WebTap 1
- WebTV 1
- Welch 1
- Wellborn 1
- West 1
- West Coast 1
- WeTransfer 1
- Wget 1
- What the Car 1
- Whenever 1
- Whetstone 1
- WhiteEagle 1
- Whitehead 1
- Whiton 1
- Whole Earth Catalog 1
- Wichary 1
- Wiener 1
- Wiens 1
- Wiesel 1
- Wiggins 1
- Wikimedia 1
- Wilder 1
- William Anders 1
- William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1
- Willison 1
- Wilmore 1
- Wilson 1
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- Windows 10 2016 LTSB 1
- Windows 10 2019 LTSC 1
- Windows 11 1
- Windows 8.1 Industry Update 1
- Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Windows Central 1
- Windows Embedded 1
- Windows Embedded 8 Standard 1
- Windows Embedded Compact 2013 1
- Windows Embedded POSReady 7 1
- Windows Embedded Standard 7 1
- Windows Phone 1
- Windows Recall 1
- Windows Server 1
- Windows Server 2008 1
- Windows Server 2008 IA64 (Itanium) 1
- Windows Server 2008 R2 1
- Windows Server 2008 R2 IA64 (Itanium) 1
- Windows Server 2012 1
- Windows Server 2012 R2 1
- Windows Server 2016 1
- Windows Server 2019 1
- Windows Server 2022 1
- Windows Thin PC 1
- Windows10 1
- Windows7 1
- Windows8 1
- Windows9 1
- Windows95 1
- Windows98 1
- WindowsPhone7 1
- Wingz 1
- Winograd 1
- Wirecast 1
- Wirth 1
- Wish 1
- Wishraiser 1
- Witcher 1
- WittyTv 1
- Wix 1
- Wizardry 1
- Wizardry Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 1
- WML 1
- Wolfe 1
- WolfgangsVault 1
- Wolfie 1
- Wongery 1
- Woodward 1
- Wordfreq 1
- WordTsar 1
- Workers 1
- Working 1
- Workspace 1
- World Economic Forum 1
- World Wide Web Consortium 1
- Worldwide Newton Conference Online 1
- WorldWideWeb 1
- Write 1
- WriteToGo 1
- Wsl 1
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- Wwcc 1
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- WWDC 25 1
- WWDC25 1
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- XMenu 1
- Xournal 1
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- XR 1
- Xserve 1
- Xz 1
- Yahoo! 1
- Yamaha 1
- Yank 1
- Yankees 1
- Yann LeCunn 1
- Yarow 1
- YayText 1
- Yendor 1
- Yoav Shoham 1
- Yoesemite 1
- Yoga 1
- Yojimbo 1
- Yoko Shimomura 1
- You Are the OS 1
- YouEat 1
- YouHole 1
- Young Lust 1
- YouTube Music 1
- Yt-Dlp 1
- Yukon 1
- Z-Library 1
- Z1 1
- Z30 1
- Zac Cichy 1
- Zach Adams 1
- Zambelli 1
- Zannoni 1
- Zanzibar 1
- Zapf 1
- Zapier 1
- Zdziarski 1
- Zed 1
- ZenBook 1
- Zero Shutter Lag 1
- ZesarUX 1
- Ziff-Davis 1
- Zilog 1
- Zimmermann 1
- Zimperium 1
- Zoho 1
- Zopfli 1
- Zovi 1
- Zte 1
- News 1
- TV+ 1
- Watch SE 1