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7 ott 2008

Con AppleScript si vede doppio

MacOSXHints ha presentato un interessante AppleScript che duplica i file selezionati nel Finder e aggiunge al nome dei duplicati data e ora, così che sia più semplice tenere traccia dei cambiamenti.

Questo AppleScript è più complesso del solito e anche più lungo. Commentarlo darebbe origine a un post interminabile, difficile da seguire e per stavolta non lo faccio. Invece, copiarlo in Script Editor, registrarlo e provare a eseguirlo. E poi studiarne il funzionamento istruzione per istruzione. È un bell’esempio di intervento seriale sui nomi file.

property extensionhidden : true

tell application “Finder” set theselection to selection repeat with i from 1 to (count theselection) set folderCheck to item i of theselection if folder (folderCheck as text) exists then else set extensionhidden to extension hidden of (item i of theselection) set extension hidden of (item i of theselection) to true end if set theItemName to displayed name of (item i of theselection) if folder (folderCheck as text) exists then else set theItemExtension to name extension of (item i of theselection) end if set upOneLevelFolder to folder of (item i of theselection) as alias

    set {year:y, month:m, day:d, time string:t} to (current date)
    set date_format to (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string
    set time_format to (t) as string
    set t to (do shell script "echo " & "'" & t & "'" & " | sed  's/://g' ")
    set thedate to date_format & " " & t as text
    if folder (folderCheck as text) exists then
        set theNewName to theItemName & " " & thedate as text
        set theNewName to theItemName & " " & thedate & "." & theItemExtension as text
    end if
    log theNewName
    set theDuplicate to duplicate (item i of theselection) to upOneLevelFolder replacing no
    set theDuplicateAlias to theDuplicate as alias
    set name of theDuplicateAlias to theNewName
    if folder (folderCheck as text) exists then
        if extensionhidden then
            set extension hidden of theDuplicateAlias to true
            set extension hidden of (item i of theselection) to true
            set extension hidden of theDuplicateAlias to false
            set extension hidden of (item i of theselection) to false
        end if
    end if
end repeat

end tell
